Author name: admin


How to get story ideas

Stories are everywhere, all around you, because every single human being has a story. Then why, as writers do we often struggle for a story idea? You might remember (or heard from your parents) that in the 70s and 80s, television sets operated with the help of a roof-top antenna. At times, one had to climb up there and adjust it, until someone from below would yell, “Haan, reception aa gaya hai.” In the same way, a writer has a ‘story antenna’ which can catch the amazing characters, plots and situations flying all around her. But having the antenna is not enough, it needs to be tuned. Meaning you train your brain to recognise a story when it comes your way. For example, you may be sitting in a bus, and two people behind you are having a fight. You don’t know who they are but start imagining. Is it a husband and wife? How long have they been married? What are they fighting about?  The conversation might give you a clue, or you simply use your imagination. You get off the bus and forget about these strangers. But a month later, or years later, you are writing a story about a couple who don’t get along. One of the scenes takes place in a bus. You are able to bring it alive by recalling that overheard conversation. So, essentially, a writer is a collector of memories, impressions and fragments of trivia. All of which is churned around by her subconscious mind to combine into a unique and interesting story.  Let me give you an example. I read an article online about a man and a woman who fell in love in Italy, during coronavirus. They saw each other during one of those famous ‘balcony concerts’ and 2 weeks later, they were engaged. This was the genesis of story #3 on this website. I started thinking – who could these two lovers be? What is their back story? Are they Italian, or could one of them be a tourist who got stuck there. And while I was tossing these questions around, Ted from ‘How I Met your Mother’ came to my mind. The tourist became Ted, a sweet, well-meaning guy but unlucky in love. Next question: what could be the series of unlucky events in his life, before he came to Italy? And here, I let my imagination go wild. Without thinking, ‘oh, this is not logical’.


From non-fiction to fiction

Over the last 10 years, there is one question readers have asked of me over and over again: “When will you write fiction?” My standard reply, “There are so many amazing entrepreneurs out there! As long as I still find it exciting to tell their stories, I will continue writing this genre ie non-fiction.” But somewhere in my mind, a seed had been planted. I often tossed around ideas in my mind, but none was truly compelling. Besides, would anyone really want to read my fiction?  Then one day I got a request from a friend, to write ‘something’ – my choice – for a coffee table book he was releasing for his company (a PSU). Along with me, he had invited a few other Indian authors – all fiction writers. Initially, I thought I would contribute something in my usual style. But a part of me felt, it’s time to tell a new kind of story. So, I allowed it to pour out of me. The 2000 word short story was published and that spurred me on. I wrote a few more such stories – as and when I was in the mood – and it was so much fun. I didn’t have to stick to the interview, double-check the facts, read the balance sheet or find out ‘industry mein is bande ki reputation kya hai’.


Why should I pay for stories?

Today, I bring your attention to the tribe called ‘Creators’. They make music, write books, shoot films, do stand-up comedy. These works stimulate you and entertain you. None of these people earn monthly salary. Authors, in particular, get paid only when her book gets sold. This model is called ‘earning a royalty’. Let me explain this age-old business model in the simplest possible way: 1. The author grants permission to a publisher to print and distribute her work. In return, the publisher pays a royalty of 10% on every copy sold. So if a book sells at an MRP of Rs 300, the author gets 10% (Rs 30), per copy sold.  2.  A few very famous authors get an advance from the publisher (say Rs 10 lakh). This means the publisher is pretty sure of selling 33,000 copies of the book being released. Therefore, an ‘advance payment’ was given even before publication.

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